How To Calculate Zakat On Salary

How To Calculate Zakat On Salary

Zakat is a very important pillar of Islam. It purifies the wealth and Allah almighty grant them more money when they spend their money on Zakat. To pay Zakat, you need to have savings above a certain amount (nisab) for a full year. If you spend all your salary on daily expenses. You do not need to pay Zakat. Keep track of your savings and spending, especially if your income changes, to calculate your Zakat correctly.

Is there any Zakat on Salary:

If a person spends their entire monthly salary and has nothing left at the end of the month. They do not need to pay Zakat.

Zakat is only required if they save enough money to reach the nisab (minimum amount) and keep it for a full year. So, you only pay Zakat if your savings reach the nisab and remain above it for a year.

Calculation of Zakat on Salary:

An employee with a salary will fall into one of two situations:

1. Spends All Salary: If they spend their entire salary and save nothing, they do not have to pay Zakat.

2. Saves Some Salary: If they save part of their salary, Zakat is calculated based on the following:

    1. Strict Calculation: Record each saved amount and its date. Pay Zakat on each amount separately after one year.
    1. Simpler, Generous Method: Pay Zakat on all savings once a year from when the total first reached the nisab (minimum amount). This method is easier, more generous to the poor, and can bring greater rewards. Any extra amount paid acts as a “down payment” for future Zakat.

Example: If a man saves 1000 riyals each month starting from Muharram, he saves similarly in Safar and the following months. When Muharram comes the next year, he adds up all his savings and pays Zakat on the total amount.

Can I pay my Zakat monthly?

If it is easier, you can spread your Zakat payments over the whole year. Calculate your total Zakat for the year and divide it into twelve monthly payments. At the end of the year, review your calculations. If you find you underestimated your Zakat, pay the difference before the new year begins.

Zakat Calculator:

To make an online Zakat payment, start with a simple Zakat Calculator. This tool makes it easy to calculate the 2.5% you need to pay based on your assets.

Our easy-to-use Zakat calculator takes the hassle out of calculating Zakat for everyone. Calculating the amount according to your nisab might seem difficult, but with Transparent Hands, it’s simple.

Just focus on your good deeds and obligations, and we’ll handle the calculations. Provide updated details of your assets so we can accurately determine the nisab using the current rate. Here’s how to calculate Zakat on your salary:

  1. List all your assets.
  2. Subtract any loans or debts you need to repay.
  3. Ensure your balance exceeds the nisab.
  4. Calculate 2.5% of your remaining balance to find your Zakat amount.

Should I be paying my Missed Zakat:

It can be easy to forget or miscalculate our Zakat, or we might be new to understanding this pillar of Islam. However, it’s never too late to pay Zakat from previous years.

Missed Zakat is calculated the same way as current Zakat, but you should use the nisab value from the year you missed, not the current nisab value.

Is zakat on salary like zakat on Agricultural crops:

The person who told you that Zakat on salary is like Zakat on agricultural crops and doesn’t require waiting a full year is incorrect.

Since many people work for a salary, it’s helpful to explain how to correctly pay Zakat on salaries.


How much is the Zakat on salary?

Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, mandatory for all mentally sound adult Muslims. It entails giving 2.5% of your wealth to support those in need.

How to calculate how much Zakat to pay?

To determine your Zakat amount, calculate the value of your net assets. According to Zakat rules, you owe 2.5% of your wealth if it equals or exceeds the nisab value. If your wealth is below the nisab value, you’re not obligated to pay Zakat.

Is Zakat calculated on wealth or income?

Zakat serves to cleanse excess yearly earnings beyond essential needs. It’s calculated based on income and the value of possessions, typically at a rate of 2.5% or 1/40 of a Muslim’s total savings and wealth for those who qualify.

Do you pay Zakat for the gold you wear?

Gold and silver are eligible for Zakat in any form they take, including jewelry. However, personal jewelry worn by women and basic items like a plain silver ring or decorative sword hilt for men are exempt from Zakat.


Zakat is necessary for Muslims to pay if they are holding the nisab. Nisab is known as the minimum amount of things that are required for paying zakat. This article is related to How To Calculate Zakat On Salary. I have briefly explained this topic, you can read it thoroughly to know how to calculate zakat on salary. Stay here for more recent updates.

What is foster care

What is foster care | Understanding its system and purpose

Children whose parents have died, or are separated from their parents due to any reason are mostly kept in orphanages or child care agencies. But sometimes these centers are unable to give them a homely environment. What will we do in this case? here comes the element of foster care. In this post, I will tell you about what is foster care. How it works? What is the primary goal of foster care and cover similar highlights. 

What is foster care

What is foster care? It is a temporary arrangement where children who can’t live with their biological parents are kept in the home of foster parents. Foster parents are trained and licensed caregivers. It is a critical social service designed to protect children from neglect, abuse, or other challenging circumstances. This system ensures that children who are removed from their homes due to safety concerns can thrive in a supportive setting.

What is the foster care goal?

Foster care’s major purpose is to provide children with a secure, quiet, and supportive environment in which to study and grow healthily. Foster care enables children to realize their developmental potential fully. The ultimate purpose of foster care is to provide a temporary, supportive environment while attempting to find a permanent solution for the child. This solution might involve:

  • Reunification refers to reuniting a child with their biological family when it is safe and suitable.
  • Adoption is the process of finding a permanent home for a kid when reunion is not possible or in the child’s best interests.
  • Kinship Care refers to placing the youngster with a relative or close family friend who can provide a stable environment.

Why are children in foster care?

Childcare agencies shift children to foster due to a variety of reasons that compromise their safety and growth. Some of the common reasons are given below:

  • Abuse: abuse includes all those activities by the caregiver or family member that harm and manifest the children physically, emotionally, and psychologically. 
  • Neglection: neglection is a stage where parents are unable to fulfill the basic needs of the children including food, shelter, and medical care.
  • Substance Abuse: It refers to the use of drugs or alcohol by parents or caregivers that affects the ability to care for the child.
  • Mental health issues: adverse mental health conditions in the parents prevent them from providing a safe environment for their children.
  • Domestic violence: Exposure to domestic violence also affects the child’s safety and emotional health.

How do children end up in foster care?

Understanding “what is foster care” involves understanding how children enter the system. The entire process usually starts with reports or fears about the child’s well-being through others like teachers, doctors, or neighbors. Child protective services (CPS) or equivalent authorities then investigate these concerns. If the investigation shows that the kid is in immediate danger or that their needs are not being met, they may be removed from their home and placed in foster care.

The placement into foster care is meant to be a temporary solution, providing a safe environment while efforts are made to address the issues within the child’s biological family. During this period, various services may be provided to both the child and the biological family, to eventually resolve the issues that led to the child’s removal.

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Who monitors their care?

Monitoring the care of children is a multi-layered process in which different agents are involved to ensure that foster care fully serves its purpose.

  • Caseworkers: social workers or caseworkers are responsible for monitoring the child’s well-being. They visit the foster home regularly to see if the child is living peacefully, safe, and having basic needs or not. They monitor to make sure that foster parents are taking full care of their children or not. 
  • Foster Agencies: licensed foster care agencies train foster parents on how to take care of their children and provide them with resources to fulfill the basic needs of the child.
  • Judges and court system: family courts play an important role in monitoring the care and well-being of the child. They make important decisions in this regard including taking the child back to the biological parents, staying in foster care, and budget providing foster care. 
  • Foster Parents: Foster parents care for the child daily and are crucial in watching the child’s progress. They also report any concerns to the caseworker or agency.

Understanding what is foster care means seeing how these different groups work together to make sure each child gets the care and support they need.


What does foster parent mean?

A Foster parent is a person serving as a parent for a child who loses his parents or the court system decides to separate him from his biological parents for any reason. Foster parents help these children to live safely and grow properly by taking good care of them.

Is fostering a child or adopting a child the same?

No, they are different. The key difference between fostering a child and adopting a child is that fostering is temporary and adoption is permanent. An adopted child lives permanently with his parents but a foster child can go back to his biological parents if the court system allows. He can be with his foster parent for several days, a week, months, or can be years.

What is the difference between parenting and frosting?

These concepts are often mixed. Foresting is just taking care of the child and providing him with a nurturing environment. Parenting is providing a loving environment, fulfilling a child’s basic needs, and also teaching him manners, ethics, beliefs, and values. 


Foster care is a temporary solution for keeping a child away from abuse and all these hurdles that stop him from growing properly. Different agencies work together to make sure that the child is living peacefully, and safely and getting all necessities. After reading this article, you can know what is foster care, and how this system works. 

Adoptive Parent: What Does It Take to Be

Adoptive Parent: What Does It Take to Be

Adopting a kid is a fulfilling experience that changes both your life and the lives of the child you are adopting. But taking this route needs serious thought, planning, and comprehension of the obligations involved. This blog article will discuss the requirements, difficulties, and benefits of adoption as we examine what it takes to be an adoptive parent.

What is Adoption

Through the legal process of adoption, a person or couple can legally become the parent(s) of a child who is not their biological child. Through this procedure, the adoptive parents permanently acquire all parental rights and obligations from the child’s biological parents.

Who Can Become an Adoptive Parent?

Any legal adult in most areas is eligible to apply to become an adoptive parent. Nonetheless, courts and adoption agencies take into account several factors, such as:

Age and Marital Status: While single people and couples can adopt, some agencies may favor married couples; many agencies have minimum age criteria.

Financial Stability: Applicants must show that they can give a kid a stable and safe home.

Health: To make sure the adoptive parent(s) are capable of raising a kid, a general health evaluation is typically necessary.

Background Check: To guarantee the child’s safety and well-being, a comprehensive background check is carried out, including a review of the child’s criminal past.

The Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Adoption

Adopting a kid requires extensive emotional and psychological preparation in addition to the legal requirements. Potential adoptive parents should be ready for the following:

Bonding & Attachment: A solid relationship with an adopted child might take some time to develop and calls for tolerance, compassion, and understanding.

Recognizing Trauma: A lot of adopted kids might have gone through trauma, therefore adoptive parents need to have the skills necessary to meet their kids’ emotional needs.

Openness and Communication: Keeping lines of communication open regarding adoption can aid in children’s understanding of their origins and identity.

The Adoption Process: Step by Step

Investigate and Make a Decision: Determine which kind of adoption—domestic, international, or foster care—is best for you by learning about the many options.

Select an Agency: Choose an adoption agency that shares your objectives and values.

Home Study: To determine whether you are ready for adoption, a social worker will come to your house.

Procedure for Matching: A child and you will be paired according to your preferences and the child’s needs.

Finalization: The adoption is formally sealed in court following a period of supervision.

adoptive parents

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Small Steps Lead to Big Success in Parenting

Effective adoptive parents don’t only concentrate on long-term objectives; they also concentrate on tiny, daily gains. Step by step, they assist their children in achieving quantifiable goals by living in the present. Together, we can celebrate these little successes and give kids a sense of satisfaction without putting too much pressure on them to reach a certain goal. With this method, parents and kids may recognize the overall impact of their work.

Persistence in the Face of Rejection

Children who have experienced trauma frequently turn away others who attempt to connect with them. Prosperous parents recognize this conduct as a protective mechanism and decline to acknowledge rejection as the ultimate consequence of their partnership. They prioritize the needs of the child, do not take rejection personally, and are dedicated to overcoming these obstacles to gradually develop intimacy and trust.

Tolerating Negative Feelings

Raising foster children, particularly older foster children with special needs can elicit intensely negative feelings in parents. Successful adoptive parents can experience and analyze these feelings without acting on them. They utilize humor to diffuse their emotions and don’t hold themselves to a strict standard when they become angry. To process their emotions, they also turn to other parents, therapists, or coworkers for assistance.

Flexibility in Parenting Roles

Retaining role flexibility is essential for adoptive parents to succeed. When one parent notices that the other is showing signs of burnout, they take over the duty of caregiver, allowing the stressed parent to get better. Similar success can be attained by single parents through networking, joining groups for foster or adoptive parents, locating friends who can provide a break, and collaborating with respite care providers.

Viewing the Family as a System

Effective parents see their family as a network of interdependent ties. Instead of designating a single member as the issue, they investigate the underlying causes of actions and strive to strengthen bonds between them. They can better deploy resources to handle the difficulties of fostering or adopting a kid thanks to this system’s perspective.

Taking Charge of the Parental Role

Adoptive parents who are successful move swiftly from a hesitant position to accepting their responsibility entirely. They establish limits, take into account the child’s unique qualities and background, and tend to his or her needs. Being in charge doesn’t imply dominating; rather, it refers to starting the conversation and building a foundation of closeness and trust.

Building an Immediate Relationship

Foster and adoptive parents of older children may have limited time. Just like parents of babies and toddlers, successful parents deliberately seek to establish a relationship from the outset. They anticipate actions, break bad habits before they become worse, and show physical care, praise, and positive reinforcement. Even in the face of resistance or withdrawal from the youngster, they take the initiative to make contact and swiftly develop trust.

Practicing Self-Care and Using Humor

Parenting has challenges, but parents who lead balanced lives and make time for humor and self-care are better able to handle it. Frequent getaways, such as nights or weekends away, enable them to gather their thoughts and come back to the family energized.

Embracing an Open Family System

Effective families function as part of an open system, welcoming assistance from other professionals such as social workers, teachers, therapists, and other parents. They use outside assistance to fortify their family and see it as a resource rather than a danger.

The Difficulties and Benefits of Adoptive Parenting

Among the unique challenges that can emerge during adoption are controlling complex emotions, adjusting to cultural perspectives, and managing the legal complications of the procedure. But the advantages outweigh the challenges by a wide margin. Because of the close bonds that are formed, the joy of giving a kid a loving home, and the fulfillment of seeing a child through to maturity, adoption is an incredibly fulfilling experience.

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1. What is the duration of the adoption process?

Depending on the specifics of the adoption and the circumstances surrounding it, the process might take anywhere from a few months to many years.

2. If I already have biological children, can I still adopt them?

Many biological families choose to adopt to expand their family.

3. What kind of assistance is offered to adoptive parents?

Adoption agencies, counseling services, and support groups offer adoptive parents resources and assistance to help them navigate the challenges of adoption.


Adopting a child is a decision that changes lives and calls for serious consideration, planning, and dedication. Despite the difficulties along the way, there are incalculable benefits to giving a child a secure, caring environment. If you’re thinking about adopting a child, take the time to educate yourself, look for help, and proceed with assurance. Your adoption journey may mark the start of an amazing new chapter in both your and the child’s lives.


How to give Zakat in Islam

How to give Zakat in Islam

Zakat in islam, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is a form of almsgiving and religious obligation for Muslims. It involves giving a fixed portion, typically 2.5%, of one’s wealth to those in need, ensuring the equitable distribution of resources within the community. Zakat purifies wealth by recognizing that all belongings are a trust from Allah, fostering social solidarity and reducing poverty. The eligible recipients of Zakat include the poor, the needy, those in debt, and others as specified in the Quran. Proper calculation and distribution of Zakat are essential to fulfilling this vital aspect of Islamic faith and practice.

How to give Zakat in Islam

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to give Zakat in Islam, including its calculation, eligibility criteria, distribution, and spiritual significance.

Understanding Zakat

Zakat is an obligatory form of almsgiving, calculated as a fixed percentage of a Muslim’s savings and assets, and distributed to specific categories of beneficiaries. It is distinct from Sadaqah, which refers to voluntary charity.


The primary objectives of Zakat are to:

  1. Purify the giver’s wealth by recognizing that all wealth ultimately belongs to Allah.
  2. Reduce socio-economic disparities by providing financial assistance to the poor and needy.
  3. Foster a sense of solidarity and empathy within the Muslim community.

Eligibility Criteria

Who Must Pay Zakat?

  1. Muslims: Only Muslims are required to pay Zakat.
  2. Adults: Zakat in islam is obligatory for mature, mentally sane Muslims.
  3. Nisab: A person must possess the minimum amount of wealth (Nisab) to be eligible to pay Zakat. The Nisab is calculated based on the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver.
  4. Lunar Year: The wealth must be held for one lunar year (Hawl).

Calculating Zakat

Types of Wealth Subject to Zakat

  1. Cash: Includes savings, salary, and any form of currency.
  2. Precious Metals: Gold and silver, whether in the form of jewelry, coins, or bullion.
  3. Business Assets: Inventory, profits, and investments in businesses.
  4. Agricultural Produce: Crops and produce, which have their own specific rates and rules.
  5. Livestock: Specific rules apply to camels, cows, sheep, and goats.
  6. Rental Income: Income derived from property rentals.

Rate of Zakat

The standard rate of Zakat is 2.5% of the total qualifying wealth. However, different rates apply to agricultural produce and livestock.

Steps to Calculate Zakat

  1. Determine the Nisab: Check the current market value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver.
  2. Calculate Total Assets: Include all cash, investments, business assets, and other applicable forms of wealth.
  3. Deduct Liabilities: Subtract any immediate debts and expenses due.
  4. Calculate Zakatable Amount: If the remaining amount equals or exceeds the Nisab, multiply it by 2.5% to determine the Zakat owed.

Categories of Beneficiaries

Zakat must be distributed to the following eight categories of recipients, as outlined in the Quran (Surah At-Tawbah 9:60):

  1. The Poor (Al-Fuqara): Those who lack sufficient means to meet basic needs.
  2. The Needy (Al-Masakin): Individuals in financial distress but above the level of extreme poverty.
  3. Zakat Collectors (Amil Zakat): Those appointed to collect and distribute Zakat.
  4. New Muslims (Muallaf): Individuals recently converted to Islam who may need support.
  5. Slaves and Captives (Riqab): To aid in freeing them.
  6. Debtors (Gharimin): Individuals in debt with no means to repay.
  7. In the Cause of Allah (Fisabilillah): For activities that benefit the community, including educational and welfare projects.
  8. Travelers (Ibn Sabil): Stranded travelers in need of financial assistance.

Distribution of Zakat

Methods of Distribution

  1. Direct Giving: Handing over Zakat directly to the beneficiaries.
  2. Through Organizations: Donating to reputable Islamic charitable organizations that distribute Zakat in islam on behalf of the donor.
  3. Community Centers: Utilizing local mosques or community centers to identify and support eligible recipients.

Ensuring Proper Use

To ensure Zakat reaches those who genuinely need it, donors should:

  1. Verify Beneficiaries: Confirm the eligibility of recipients based on the prescribed categories.
  2. Monitor Distribution: Follow up with the organizations or individuals distributing the Zakat to ensure it is used appropriately.
  3. Maintain Records: Keep records of the amount given, the date, and the recipients to ensure accountability.

Spiritual and Social Impact

Spiritual Benefits

  1. Purification of Wealth: Zakat purifies the giver’s wealth and helps eliminate greed and selfishness.
  2. Increased Blessings: It is believed that giving Zakat attracts Allah’s blessings and mercy.
  3. Spiritual Growth: It fosters a sense of gratitude, humility, and reliance on Allah.

Social Benefits

  1. Reducing Poverty: Zakat directly supports those in need, helping to alleviate poverty and hunger.
  2. Promoting Social Welfare: It funds community projects, education, and healthcare, enhancing overall social welfare.
  3. Strengthening Community Bonds: Zakat fosters solidarity, empathy, and mutual support within the Muslim community.

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What is the correct way to pay zakat?

Muslims should assess their possessions and wealth. If their total assets reach the Nisab, which is the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver, they must pay Zakat. The amount to be paid is 2.5% or 1/40 of their total savings and wealth.

How do you distribute zakat in Islam?

A person who must pay Zakat can either give it directly to eligible recipients, appoint an agent to distribute it, or give it to the local Muslim authority for distribution.

How to calculate Zakat?

To calculate Zakat on cash, add up all liquid assets, including checking and savings accounts and cash on hand. Apply the 2.5% rate. Ensure the total meets or exceeds the Nisab threshold to be obligatory.

How much fitra to give?

How much is Fitrana (Zakat ul Fitr) per person? During the Prophet’s (PBUH) time, Fitrana was given as 1 saa’ of food. 1 saa’ equals 4 madd, where a madd is the amount scooped up with two hands together.


Zakat is a fundamental aspect of Islam, emphasizing the importance of sharing wealth and supporting the less fortunate. By understanding the eligibility criteria, calculating the amount accurately, and distributing it responsibly, Muslims fulfill their spiritual obligation and contribute to social justice and community well-being. Through Zakat, wealth is purified, and socio-economic disparities are reduced, promoting a more equitable and compassionate society.

Does Donating to Charity Count as Zakat

Does Donating to Charity Count as Zakat

Donating to charity within the framework of Islamic finance, zakat forms an essential pillar, reflecting the faith’s deep commitment to social welfare and economic justice. As one of Islam’s Five Pillars, the obligation of paying zakat is both a spiritual duty and a means to support those in need, underscoring the significance of understanding its proper application. However, confusion often arises around whether donating to charity can be considered as fulfilling the zakat obligation, a question that holds considerable importance for Muslims striving to adhere to their faith’s teachings while engaging in philanthropic efforts.

This article aims to dissect the nuances that distinguish zakat from general charitable donations, presenting a clear guideline for when a donation can be deemed as zakat. It will explore the concept of zakat in Islam, elucidate the differences between charity and zakat, and detail the criteria necessary for a donation to qualify as zakat. By providing this comprehensive guide, readers will gain valuable insights into fulfilling their religious duties with confidence and precision, ensuring that their contributions effectively support their intended cause in accordance with Islamic principles.

Does Donating to Charity Count as Zakat

Definition and Importance

Zakat, a fundamental Islamic finance term, refers to the obligatory act of giving a portion of one’s wealth to charity. It is mandatory for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria and is considered a form of worship. The primary purpose of Zakat is to purify yearly earnings that exceed essential needs, helping to ensure that attention does not focus solely on wealth and material possessions. The purification aspect underscores the belief that all wealth ultimately belongs to Allah, and by giving Zakat, Muslims cleanse their money and help reduce inequality within the community.

Conditions for Paying Zakat

For Zakat to be obligatory, several conditions must be met:

  1. The individual must be an adult, sane, and Muslim.
  2. They must have complete ownership and control of the wealth.
  3. The wealth must reach or exceed a specific minimum threshold known as Nisab.
  4. It should be held for one lunar year.
  5. The wealth must have the potential to grow or increase. Different schools of Islamic jurisprudence may have variations in these rules, particularly concerning who must pay Zakat, with some schools requiring payments from the wealth of children and the insane under the guardianship of a sane adult.

Eligible Recipients

Zakat distributions are strictly defined within Islamic law, which identifies eight categories of beneficiaries:

  1. The Poor (Al-Fuqara): Those who lack sufficient means to live.
  2. The Needy (Al-Masakin): Those who are in dire need but may have some basic resources.
  3. Zakat Administrators (Al-Aamileen): Those appointed to collect and distribute Zakat.
  4. Those Whose Hearts Are to Be Reconciled (Al-Muallafatul Quloob): New converts to Islam or people who are expected to benefit the Muslim community.
  5. Those in Bondage (Fir-Riqab): Individuals working towards their freedom from captivity.
  6. Debtors (Al-Gharimeen): People burdened by insurmountable debt.
  7. In the Cause of Allah (Fi Sabilillah): Those working in the path of God, which can include various forms of community service.
  8. The Wayfarer (Ibn Sabil): Travelers who are in need of financial assistance.

By adhering to these principles, Zakat serves as a tool for social justice, providing a mandatory method for financially able Muslims to support those less fortunate in their community.

Charity vs. Zakat: Understanding the Differences

Purpose and Intent

Zakat, a mandatory act of worship, requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their wealth annually to specific beneficiaries outlined in the Qur’an, such as the poor and those in bondage. This act not only purifies the giver’s wealth but also aims to redistribute resources within the Muslim community, thereby strengthening it. In contrast, Sadaqah is voluntary and can be given to anyone in need at any time, reflecting personal acts of kindness without any obligatory constraints.

Amount and Calculation

The calculation of Zakat is precise, demanding 2.5% of a Muslim’s annual savings that exceed the Nisab threshold a specific minimum amount of wealth. This threshold is calculated based on the current values of gold or silver. Sadaqah, however, does not have a fixed amount or specific calculation criteria, allowing for more flexibility and personal discretion in the amount given.

Eligible Recipients

Zakat has strictly defined eligible recipients, including the poor, the needy, those in debt, and wayfarers, among others specified in Islamic law. It cannot be given to non-Muslims, the wealthy, or one’s immediate family such as parents or children. Sadaqah has no such restrictions, permitting donations to a broader array of recipients, including non-monetary forms of aid like acts of service or sharing knowledge.

Criteria for a Donation to Be Considered as Zakat


For a donation to be considered as Zakat, the donor must have a clear intention at the time of the donation or when setting aside the funds. This intention is crucial as Zakat is an act of worship. The donor does not need to verbalize their intention; it suffices to be consciously aware that the donation is meant as Zakat. If the intention is absent at the time of giving, and only made retroactively, the donation does not qualify as Zakat.

Eligible Causes

Zakat funds must be directed towards specific beneficiaries as outlined by Islamic law. These include the poor, the needy, those in debt, and wayfarers, among others. The funds should not be used for non-approved purposes such as running costs of institutions. Each beneficiary must meet the criteria set by Sharia, such as possessing wealth below the Nisab threshold, to qualify for Zakat.

Proof and Documentation

Organizations handling Zakat are required to meticulously verify the eligibility of recipients through financial and identity checks. This includes reviewing bank statements, validating identities, and ensuring the applicants’ financial status aligns with the Sharia-defined poverty levels. Documentation and proof are essential to maintain transparency and ensure that Zakat is distributed correctly, adhering to both the spiritual and legal standards of the Islamic faith.


1. Can charitable donations be considered as fulfilling the obligation of Zakat?

To count a donation as zakat, it is essential to have the specific intention of giving zakat at the time the funds are set aside from your other wealth or when the payment is made. Merely giving to charity throughout the year does not automatically fulfill the zakat requirement.

2. Is there a difference between Sadaqah and Zakat, and can Sadaqah fulfill the Zakat requirement?

While the Qur’an sometimes uses the term Sadaqah interchangeably with Zakat, they generally refer to different types of charity. Zakat is a mandatory charitable contribution, whereas Sadaqah is voluntary. Therefore, Sadaqah cannot be counted as Zakat.

3. Does contributing to the construction or maintenance of a mosque qualify as Zakat?

Donations made to mosques do not qualify as Zakat. This is because mosques, like schools and public works, are not owned by individuals but serve the community, which does not align with the specific criteria set for Zakat distribution.

4. What exactly is Zakat, and how is it different from general charity?

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, mandating all Muslims who meet a certain wealth threshold to donate a specific portion of their wealth 2.5% or 1/40th to charity. This obligatory act of giving is distinct from voluntary contributions, emphasizing both a religious duty and a social mechanism to redistribute wealth.


While charitable donations are commendable, only those that meet specific Islamic criteria can be classified as zakat. The distinction lies in the giver’s intention, recipient eligibility, and adherence to Islamic law. Correctly applying zakat principles ensures fulfillment of religious obligations, supports rightful beneficiaries, and aligns with zakat’s objectives of wealth purification and resource redistribution. This diligence strengthens community cohesion and underscores Islam’s social justice ethos, fostering a more just and equitable world.

Are Orphans Eligible for Zakat

Are Orphans Eligible for Zakat

Zakat benefits are available to orphans, a mandatory form of charity in Islam. It aims to support those in need, including orphans who lack parental care and financial support. Islam emphasizes the importance of caring for orphans and includes them among the categories eligible to receive Zakat, ensuring they receive essential support for their well-being and development.

Are Orphans Eligible for Zakat

In Islamic tradition, it is a fundamental pillar that entails giving a portion of one’s wealth to those in need, as specified in the Quran. The eligibility of orphans to receive Zakats is explicitly mentioned, making it crucial to understand how this obligation applies to them.

Understanding Zakat

It is an obligatory form of almsgiving for Muslims who meet specific criteria of wealth and possession. It serves to purify one’s wealth and support the less fortunate in society. The recipients of Zakats are outlined in the Quran (9:60) and generally include the poor, the needy, those in debt, travelers, and those working in its collection and distribution.

Eligibility of Orphans for Zakat

Orphans are explicitly mentioned as eligible recipients of Zakats in the Quran. The term “orphans” (Arabic: yatama) refers to children who have lost one or both parents and are in need of support. According to Islamic teachings, caring for orphans is a highly emphasized act of charity and kindness.

Categories of Orphans Eligible for Zakat

Direct Orphans (Yatim):

These are children who have lost their father or both parents and require financial support for their upbringing, education, and general welfare.

Indirect Orphans (Miskin):

This category includes children whose primary guardian (usually the father) is unable to provide adequately for them due to reasons such as illness, disability, or financial hardship.

Criteria for Distributing Zakat to Orphans

Financial Need:

Orphans must demonstrate a financial need for zakats assistance. This need can arise from the absence of a breadwinner in the household or inadequate financial resources to meet basic necessities.


It can be allocated to orphans through their legal guardians or caretakers, ensuring that the funds are used for the orphans’ benefit in accordance with Islamic principles.

Education and Welfare:

Zakats funds can be used to support orphans’ education, healthcare, shelter, and other essential needs that contribute to their well-being and development.

Importance of Supporting Orphans

In Islamic tradition, supporting orphans is considered a virtuous act with significant rewards. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of caring for orphans, stating that the one who supports an orphan will be close to him in Paradise like this (gesturing with two fingers, i.e., very close).

Distribution of Zakat to Orphans

When distributing Zakats to orphans, it is essential to ensure transparency and accountability. Islamic organizations and charities often have structured programs to identify eligible orphans, assess their needs, and distribute Zakat accordingly. If you want to donate to poor children then come our website and Donate them.


Can Zakat be given to an orphanage?

The Prophet, peace be upon him, includes orphans among Zakat recipients alongside other designated groups, emphasizing their eligibility for financial support without restriction to voluntary charity alone.

Who is not eligible to receive Zakat?

You can’t give Zakat to your immediate family (spouse, children, parents, and grandparents) or Hashimis (descendants of the Prophet, peace be upon him), but other relatives are eligible recipients.

What is the Islamic ruling on orphans?

The Quran emphasizes protecting the rights and wealth of orphans, warning against replacing their assets with yours or using their property for yourself, which is a grave sin.

Is sponsoring an orphan sadaqah?

Sponsoring an orphan offers ongoing charity (sadaqah jariyah) through meeting their needs and the lasting benefits their good deeds bring to others throughout their life.


Its serves as a means of social justice and solidarity within the Muslim community, emphasizing the importance of caring for the less fortunate, including orphans. By fulfilling this obligation, Muslims not only purify their wealth but also contribute to the well-being and development of vulnerable children. Understanding the eligibility of orphans for Zakat and ensuring its proper distribution are essential aspects of practicing this pillar of Islam effectively.

Can you Sponsor an Orphan with Zakat

Can you Sponsor an Orphan with Zakat

Sponsor an orphan with Zakat is a powerful and compassionate act that aligns with the core principles of Islamic charity. Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, mandates Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those in need. By directing Zakat towards orphan sponsorship, you provide essential support such as food, clothing, education, and healthcare to vulnerable children. This act not only fulfills a religious obligation but also profoundly impacts the life of an orphan, offering them hope and a brighter future. Embracing this noble cause fosters a sense of community and demonstrates the true spirit of generosity and care in Islam.

Can you Sponsor an Orphan with Zakat

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand and implement this form of charity.

Understanding Zakat and its Importance

Zakat is a mandatory annual contribution, usually 2.5% of a Muslim’s savings and wealth above a certain threshold (Nisab). It aims to redistribute wealth, assist the needy, and cleanse the donor’s wealth. Orphans, often deprived of parental care and financial support, are among the key recipients of Zakat.

Eligibility Criteria for Zakat Recipients

According to Islamic law, Zakat can be given to eight categories of beneficiaries mentioned in the Quran (Surah At-Tawbah 9:60). Orphans fall under the categories of “Al-Masakin” (the needy) and “Al-Fuqara” (the poor). Therefore, sponsoring an orphan is a valid and highly recommended use of Zakat.

Steps to Sponsor an Orphan with Zakat

Calculate Your Zakat:

Determine the Nisab: The Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must have before they are liable to pay Zakat. It is equivalent to 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of silver. Check current market values to determine the Nisab threshold.

Calculate 2.5%: Once you determine your total qualifying wealth, calculate 2.5% to find out the amount of Zakat you need to pay.

Select a Reputable Organization:

Research: Look for organizations that specialize in orphan sponsorship and have a transparent track record.

Verification: Ensure the organization is credible. Check reviews, financial reports, and certifications. Trustworthy organizations often have endorsements from Islamic scholars.

Understand the Sponsorship Process:

Program Details: Learn about the specifics of the orphan sponsorship program. Understand how the funds will be used covering education, healthcare, clothing, and general welfare.

Communication: Check if the organization provides updates about the child’s progress and well-being. Regular reports can offer transparency and a personal connection.

Allocate Your Zakat:

Direct Sponsorship: Some organizations allow you to sponsors an orphan directly using your Zakat. This involves regular payments that cater to the orphan’s needs.

General Fund: Alternatively, you can contribute your Zakat to a general fund dedicated to supporting orphans. This ensures your donation is used where it’s most needed.

Make the Payment:

Online Transfers: Most organizations offer online payment options. Ensure the payment gateway is secure.

Bank Transfers: You can also transfer your Zakat directly to the organization’s bank account. Keep records of all transactions for accountability.

Follow Up:

Updates and Reports: Engage with the organization to receive updates about the orphan’s progress. This ensures your Zakat is making a tangible impact.

Feedback: Provide feedback to the organization. Your input can help improve their services and the overall experience for both donors and beneficiaries.

Benefits of Sponsoring an Orphan with Zakat

  • Spiritual Fulfillment: Sponsoring an orphan fulfills a critical Islamic obligation and brings immense spiritual satisfaction.
  • Social Impact: Your contribution helps break the cycle of poverty, providing orphans with opportunities for a better future.
  • Community Building: Supporting orphans fosters a sense of community and social responsibility.


Is sponsoring an orphan sadaqah?

Sponsoring an orphan offers ongoing charity: sustaining their needs, benefiting others throughout their life, and continuing to spread goodness beyond their lifetime.

What is the best Islamic charity to sponsor an orphan?

Islamic Relief has helped families and orphaned children in need for 36 years, addressing war, poverty, and health challenges.

What is sponsoring an orphan?

Your $31 monthly donation transforms a child’s life by providing food, shelter, education, healthcare, and a safe environment.

How to raise an orphan in Islam?

Islam commands the careful management of an orphan’s wealth, ensuring it is preserved and returned to them when they reach adulthood.


Sponsoring an orphan with Zakat is a powerful way to fulfill your religious duties while making a significant difference in a young life. By following this guide, you can ensure that your Zakat is utilized effectively, providing much-needed support and care to those who need it most. Remember, your contribution can transform lives and contribute to a more compassionate and just society.

Are Orphanages Still a thing

Are Orphanages Still a thing

Orphanages, once a common solution for the care of parentless and abandoned children, have largely been replaced by modern foster care systems and smaller group homes in many parts of the world. However, they still exist, particularly in developing countries where resources and infrastructure for foster care are limited. These institutions aim to provide shelter, education, and basic needs to vulnerable children, but often face challenges such as overcrowding, limited funding, and varying levels of care quality. The shift towards family-based care models highlights a growing recognition of the need for nurturing, stable environments that better support child development.

Are Orphanages Still a thing

This guide explores the current state of orphanages, their functions, alternatives, and the ongoing debate surrounding their use.

The Current State of Orphanages

In many developed countries, traditional orphanage have largely been replaced by alternative care systems such as foster care and adoption services. These alternatives are preferred due to the belief that they offer a more nurturing and individualized environment for children. However, in many developing countries, orphanage remain a primary means of care for children without parents or those whose families are unable to care for them due to poverty, illness, or other reasons.

Functions of Orphanages

Orphanages provide shelter, food, education, and healthcare to children in need. They often aim to create a stable environment where children can grow and develop. Staffed by caregivers, social workers, and sometimes volunteers, orphanages work to meet the basic needs of children and, in some cases, prepare them for reintegration into society or eventual adoption.

Alternatives to Orphanages

Foster Care:

This system places children in the homes of vetted caregivers, known as foster parents, who provide a family-like environment. Foster care is often seen as a better alternative to orphanage because it offers personalized attention and care.


Adoption provides a permanent family for a child. Many countries encourage domestic and international adoption to reduce the number of children in institutional care.

Kinship Care:

This involves placing children with their relatives, which helps maintain family bonds and cultural identity. Kinship care is often considered the best option when parents are unable to care for their children.

Community-Based Care:

Various community-based programs aim to support vulnerable families to prevent children from being placed in orphanages. These programs provide financial assistance, counseling, and other services to keep families together.

The Debate: Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Orphanages provide immediate, albeit temporary, care for children in urgent need.
  • They offer structured environments with access to education and healthcare.
  • In some regions, they are the only available option for children without family support.


  • Institutional care can lead to issues such as attachment disorders, developmental delays, and emotional distress due to lack of individualized attention.
  • Studies suggest that children raised in family-based settings generally have better outcomes in terms of social skills, education, and emotional health.
  • Orphanages can become overcrowded and underfunded, leading to substandard care conditions.

Global Perspectives

In recent years, there has been a global movement towards deinstitutionalization, advocating for the closure of orphanages and the development of family-based care systems. Organizations like UNICEF and various NGOs are working with governments to transition from institutional care to more sustainable and supportive family-based care models.


Are orphanages still a thing in the UK?

In England and the rest of the UK, orphaned children are cared for by relatives or in foster care. The foster care system isn’t perfect, but foster carers undergo a thorough application and training process and are closely monitored.

Is there an age limit to be an orphan?

Orphanhood definitions vary by country. Some define orphans as children under 18 who have lost one or both parents, while others include children under 15 who have lost their mother.

How common is abuse in orphanages?

Children in orphanages face higher risks of violence, abuse, and neglect. A study in five countries found that 50.3% of these children had experienced physical or sexual abuse.


Orphanages still exist, primarily in developing countries, but their role and prevalence are diminishing as alternative care methods gain support. The shift towards family-based care reflects a broader understanding of children’s needs and the importance of nurturing environments for healthy development. As the global community continues to evolve its approach to child care, the focus remains on finding the best possible outcomes for vulnerable children, emphasizing the need for personalized, family-like care over institutionalization.

Psychological effects of being an Orphan

Psychological effects of being an Orphan

Psychological effects of being an Orphan. The loss of parents often leads to feelings of abandonment, grief, and loneliness. These children may struggle with forming secure attachments and trusting others. The absence of a stable family environment can impact their self-esteem and sense of security, sometimes resulting in anxiety or depression. Additionally, orphans might face difficulties in social development, academic performance, and emotional regulation. While many orphans show remarkable resilience and adaptability, the psychological challenges they face are significant and require compassionate support and understanding from caregivers and society.

Psychological effects of being an Orphan

This guide explores the various psychological effects orphans may face, along with potential coping mechanisms and support systems that can help mitigate these challenges.

1. Emotional Impact

a. Grief and Loss

Orphans often experience intense grief and a profound sense of loss. The death of a parent can leave a void that is difficult to fill, leading to prolonged periods of mourning.

b. Abandonment and Loneliness

The absence of parental figures can evoke feelings of abandonment and loneliness. Orphans might feel isolated and disconnected from their peers, especially if they lack stable guardianship or supportive relationships.

c. Anxiety and Depression

The uncertainty and instability associated with losing parents can lead to heightened anxiety and depression. The fear of the future and the unknown can be overwhelming, making it difficult for orphans to feel secure and hopeful.

2. Developmental Challenges

a. Attachment Issues

Secure attachment forms the basis of a child’s ability to trust and build relationships. They often struggle with attachment issues, finding it difficult to form close, trusting relationships with caregivers and peers.

b. Identity and Self-Esteem

The loss of parents can disrupt a child’s sense of identity and self-worth. They may question their value and place in the world, leading to diminished self-esteem and confidence.

c. Academic Performance

The emotional turmoil and instability experienced by orphans can negatively affect their academic performance. Concentration issues, frequent absenteeism, and a lack of motivation are common challenges.

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3. Behavioral Issues

a. Emotional Regulation

Orphans might struggle with emotional regulation, displaying behaviors such as aggression, withdrawal, or hyperactivity. These behaviors can be a manifestation of their internal emotional struggles and a cry for help.

b. Social Interaction

Difficulties in social interactions are common. It may find it challenging to make and maintain friendships, often feeling misunderstood or different from their peers.

4. Coping Mechanisms and Resilience

a. Support Systems

A strong support system is crucial. Caring relatives, foster families, mentors, and supportive friends can provide the emotional and practical support needed to navigate the challenges of being an orphans.

b. Counseling and Therapy

Professional counseling and therapy can help orphans process their grief and trauma. Therapeutic interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or play therapy, can be particularly effective in addressing emotional and behavioral issues.

c. Educational Support

Academic support, including tutoring and mentoring programs, can help orphans catch up with their studies and build confidence in their academic abilities.

d. Community Programs

Community programs that focus on the holistic development of orphans, including extracurricular activities, social skills training, and life skills workshops, can foster resilience and a sense of belonging.

5. Long-term Outlook

a. Adaptability and Resilience

Many orphans demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability. With the right support and interventions, they can overcome significant challenges and lead fulfilling lives.

b. Building a New Identity

Through positive experiences and relationships, orphans can rebuild their sense of identity and self-worth. Encouraging their talents and interests can help them develop a strong, positive self-concept.

c. Importance of Stable Guardianship

Providing stable, loving guardianship is one of the most effective ways to mitigate the psychological effects of being an orphans. Consistent care and affection from a reliable adult can create a secure base from which the child can explore the world and develop trust.


What are the behavioral problems of orphans?

Orphaned children and teens often face issues like sadness, worry, low confidence, anger, and trauma. They may also experience difficulties in daily life, feel unhappy, consider suicide, or show early signs of mental health problems like psychosis.

What is the psychology of a child who grew up in an orphanage?

Past studies on orphans highlight their lack of social support due to family absence. Counseling is crucial to help them adjust to new environments.

What are the struggles of being an orphan?

Orphans struggle with adapting emotionally, finding family, forming bonds, feeling isolated, figuring out who they are, becoming independent, finding jobs, feeling cynical, and lacking support.

What are the disadvantages of being an orphan?

Children raised in orphanages may experience behavioral and emotional issues like aggression and limited understanding, potentially leading to mental health challenges in adulthood, as per Replace organization.


The psychological effects of being an orphans are complex and multifaceted, impacting emotional, developmental, and social aspects of a child’s life. However, with adequate support, therapeutic interventions, and a nurturing environment, orphans can build resilience and thrive despite their early losses. It is essential for caregivers, educators, and communities to work together to provide the support and stability these children need to heal and grow.

What are the Challenges Faced by Orphans

What are the Challenges Faced by Orphans

Orphans face a multitude of challenges that significantly impact their physical, emotional, and social well-being. Without the support of parents, they often struggle with feelings of abandonment and loss, which can lead to long-term psychological issues. Access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and education is frequently compromised, making it difficult for orphans to break the cycle of poverty. Additionally, orphans are more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, further compounding their hardships. The lack of a stable and nurturing environment hinders their development, making it essential for communities and organizations to provide comprehensive support and resources to help orphans thrive.

What are the Challenges Faced by Orphans

Here is a detailed guide to understanding these difficulties:

Emotional and Psychological Challenges

Grief and Loss

Orphan experience profound grief and a sense of loss due to the death or absence of their parents. This can lead to prolonged periods of sadness, depression, and anxiety. The trauma of losing a parent often results in emotional scars that can last a lifetime.

Attachment Issues

Without consistent caregivers, orphan may struggle with attachment disorders. They often find it difficult to form healthy relationships and trust others, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Identity and Self-Esteem

Orphan frequently grapple with questions about their identity and self-worth. The lack of familial bonds and background information can hinder the development of a strong sense of self, resulting in low self-esteem and identity crises.

Physical Challenges

Basic Needs

Many orphans live in conditions where their basic needs—such as food, shelter, and clothing—are not adequately met. Malnutrition and poor living conditions can severely affect their physical health and development.

Healthcare Access

Orphans often lack access to adequate healthcare. They are more susceptible to illnesses, and without proper medical attention, minor health issues can escalate into serious problems.

Educational Challenges

Access to Education

Orphans frequently face barriers to education, including lack of financial resources, transportation, and school supplies. In some regions, orphaned children are forced to work to support themselves, leaving little time for schooling.

Academic Performance

The psychological stress and instability in the lives of orphans can hinder their academic performance. Frequent relocations and absenteeism disrupt their education, making it difficult for them to keep up with their peers, and want to help the poor needy children then come our site and donate the orphan children.

Social Challenges

Stigma and Discrimination

Orphans may face social stigma and discrimination from their communities. This can manifest in exclusion from social activities, bullying, and prejudice, further isolating them and impeding their social development.

Lack of Social Support

The absence of a family network means that orphans often lack the social support systems crucial for emotional and practical assistance. This lack of support can lead to feelings of abandonment and helplessness.

Economic Challenges


Many orphans are thrust into poverty upon the loss of their parents. Without a family to provide for them, they may struggle to meet their basic needs and are at a higher risk of exploitation and child labor.

Future Prospects

Economic instability and limited access to education diminish an orphan’s prospects for future employment and self-sufficiency. This creates a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break.

Institutional Care Challenges

Quality of Care

Orphanages and other institutional care settings can vary greatly in quality. In some cases, children face neglect, abuse, and inadequate resources, exacerbating their trauma and hindering their development.

Transition to Independence

Upon reaching adulthood, orphans often face challenges transitioning out of institutional care. Without proper guidance and support, they may struggle to find housing, employment, and a stable support network, increasing the risk of homelessness and exploitation.


What are the factors affecting orphans?

The absence of care, affection, proper shelter, nutrition, education, and psychological support significantly heightens children’s vulnerability.

What is orphan problem?

Orphans often experience anxiety, sadness, loneliness, social isolation, and other psychosocial issues. These are attributed to the lack of parental involvement and adult attention.

What are the emotional problems faced by orphans?

Orphans and other vulnerable children often face heightened psychological challenges due to exposure to abuse, exploitation, neglect, and lack of parental love and care. They may also exhibit increased emotional neediness, insecurity, and poverty.


Orphans confront a complex array of interrelated challenges that affect every aspect of their lives. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive support systems, including improved access to education, healthcare, and social services. Emotional and psychological support, along with efforts to combat stigma and discrimination, are equally crucial. By understanding and addressing these challenges, we can help orphans lead healthier, more stable, and fulfilling lives.