Top view of group of teenagers gang with lollipops standing indoors in abandoned building, looking at camera.

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Welcome to Orphan Care: Empowering Lives, Building Brighter Futures
for Orphaned Children Around the World.

Welcome to Orphan Care, where we are dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of orphaned children worldwide. Through compassion, support, and empowerment, we strive to provide them with the love and opportunities they deserve.

Today is the day to reach out and lend a helping hand

Even the smallest of donations can help change a life

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It showed a lady fitted out with a
fur hat and fur boa who sat
upright, raising a heavy fur muff



I am alone, and feel the charm
of existence in this spot,
which was created for the bliss

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like these sweet mornings of
spring which I enjoy with my
whole heart.

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I must explain to you how all
this mistaken idea of
denouncing pleasure and

Active Projects

Empowering orphans through education and care, Taqwa Welfare School & Organization and Zakat & Charity ensure a brighter future. Visualizing support with 3D renders, these projects also offer opportunities to sponsor a child, transforming lives with hope.

Taqwa Welfare Organization And School Part One

Index House

Zakat And Charity

Completed Projects

Empowering orphans through education and care, Taqwa Welfare School & Organization and Zakat & Charity ensure a brighter future. Visualizing support with 3D renders, these projects also offer opportunities to sponsor a child, transforming lives with hope.


Diverse volunteers inviting people to donate to charity while holding a placard at community center and looking at camera.


I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure

Help life




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